Olivia P's Fantastic Blog

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on January 16, 2014

My bare feet hit the burning concrete and I take off in a leaping-bounding kind of way, trying not to let the vicious heat get to me.

I sigh in delight as I fling myself across the gleaming, gritty sand and into the pounding waves of the ocean. I swim deeper and deeper through peaceful, way-to-salty water until my chest completely deflates of oxygen and I have to push to the surface. As my face bursts through into the air the rays of blinding sunshine sting my delicate skin, even through the coating of oily sunscreen I have on.

I let my limp and slippery body float, eyes closed, through the white ocean foam. All of the sudden my eyes peel open to the violent splash of my surf board into the water. I immediately hop onto the slick, flat surface and paddle out deeper than I could ever stand. The sun blisters my shirtless back as I wait for the roaring, splashing sound off the perfect wave. I’m getting deeper burns by the minute but my adrenaline overtakes that worry and I can only think about one thing: how beautiful the hushed movement of the ocean is and the muffled cries of the gulls above.

One Response to “Summer”

  1. Mrs. Kriese says:

    “I’m getting deeper burns by the minute but my adrenaline overtakes that worry and I can only think about one thing: how beautiful the hushed movement of the ocean is and the muffled cries of the gulls above.”

    Powerful punctuation choice, and a great last sentence for this piece.

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